Wellcome back everybody! In this blog post, I'm gonna retell you toward my experience in Gamarvani. So, what's come in your mind? Curious isn't it? Let's check it out!
Gamarvani, do you know what Gamarvani is? If you're not, probably you haven't check your phone and being a ancient that time, hehe, just kidding. But yes, everybody must be know about Gamarvani. Gamarvani is an Art, Literature and Culture Festival. This festival is all about our country, so we used to say it's " Gemilang Cinta Negeri ". This perfomance is really representative about Indonesian Culture, because it's not fully-holding in modern era, but it's fusion between them. So we are still appreciate with our beloved country, but also make the guest happy, because it's not boring and still have the young and energy of teenagers side. It's held on Saturday, 19th of Sept 2015. The price of the entry ticket are from 35.000 until 50.000, not expesive compare with others festival.
The inspiration that we got in our festival name, Gamarvani, is from Nyi Anteh legend story. It's Indonesian fairy tale that maybe not really noted in everybody ear's. But it's really a good story and we always put the element of it in each perfomance. Gamarvani isn't like an " Age-stereotype", because there are a lot of people came, for about more than 2.800 people and they are from so many range of age. It's proven that Gamarvani is not just about a teenagers that love to be hangout, but also a parents with their child could enjoy this atmosphere too.
There are a lot that held and exist in Gamarvani. Including so many perfomances from Extraculicular in 3 Senior High School, like Tiloe's Theatre, Classic Music 3, Band 3, Sundanese Circle 3, and much much more. They gave us a solid perfomance and really entertaining us, with their prowess and everthing. Beside that, there are also a perfomance brought in from out, such as Martials Art or " Pencak Silat ", Puppet Show or " Wayang Golek ", and the others. We can see that they are really well-prepared for this and really excited to join in our festival. But the top of the show, was at night when 2 Indonesian famous artist on the stage. First, Adera, he sang about 8 to 10 song in one session. I mean, how cool he is, he sang a different song, and so many in juts 1 session. He not look tired and seems really enjoyed the event with us. He also spoke to us or maybe we can say he gave us a speech for a teenagers that being " Galau ", haha. That is so funny, you know. And second, Gamarvani also brought in HiVi!, People were screamed and jumped all over the place. It's no wonder that reaction from the audience will be like that. And HiVi also perfomanced about 6 song, if I'm not false, all of them was spectacular on the stage. They came shockly from the screen that could split into 2! Wow, a student also could prepare this yeah? Big applause for them.
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One of perfomances in the festival |
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Gamarvani at night! |
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Mr. Encang, doing the official opening of Gamarvani. |
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One of perfomances. |
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Tiloe's Theatre showed! |
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HiVi! |
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Adera! |
There are also around 12 foodtruck, like Panini, Cupajoe, Dim Sumsoe and excetra. This foodtruck is very unique. I say it unique because it's rare to found in Indonesia, so 12 foodtruck gathered in one place was so amazing to me, also there are a variety option in Gamarvani, because we have 1 kind of food from that 12 foodtruck. Next, we also have about 21 food-stand, which is a lot, right? From Caian, LOL, Kabut Salju, Bite Box, Roti Gempol and others. We have so many choices and the taste of it is really nice. They also provided this with an affordable price, so we still could save our money and not spent so much from it, hehe.
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This is one of food that I bought in the Festival. Dori with Mashed Potato, Cheese Sauce and Mozarella on top. Yum! |
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It's run out, now! Beg your pardon for not spend the food for you, hehe. |
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People were enjoyed the show, accomapanied by the food truck there. |
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So many food stand right? I even cannot took all of it, but you must try one! |
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Some of food truck that I have expalained to you. |
Away from the perfomances and the food, there are also an attraction in it. We have a presnece of TransMedia Corporation, they like make a stand and we could see like their theatre in Trans Studi Bandung in the wall. They being really creative, because the one member of it, weared a vampire costume, and also they brought like tombstone and skull, eagle, all that stuff, that made me a little frightened actually. Not just that, there are also a stand that vend their Sundanese culture, they sold a "Pangsi " and " Totopong " and it's really cute. Also, there are a technology station, which is became the equipment, or the facilitiy that made the show became more attractive. It's like a robot that could fly and brought a camera with it. So the camera will monitoring the festival from every corner and displayed it in the screen. Cool right? After that, Gamarvani as well have a live painting, so we have like a sketch in a board from wood and we hired 4 painter, so they started to painted the board from the morning, non-stop to the evening. The result was very outstanding. And again, the board was reflected a Gamarvani's inspiration, Nyi Anteh.
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A bonus pict for you! This is the teacher row! You can see they focus with the show! |
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The skull and the graveyard, screepy. By the way, don't look at my face, I was rush ok?:( |
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The live painting, it's still the beginning, but it's already looks good. |
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The Sundanese section! They sell so many items. |
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My picture with my friend, Fadhilah. We took this pict with a vampire! |
Gamarvani was very remarkable, Gamarvani was very different from other festival that held in Bandung. We have like a tradional game, such as Gatrik, Egrang, Congklak and 5 others game. So, it's conducted at 4 p.m., and the committee will invited all of visitors to come join them. They played together, and it's so much fun. This game provided the winner from every single games, the winner will receieve a free ticket, whether to Ancol or TransStudio Bandung. God! This festival was so flawless. Away from that, like it never stop, Gamarvani -again- ALSO have a free meal for the visitors. So they served and hired a street food like, Bandros, Kue Cubit, Telor Gulung and the greates thing of it, IT IS FREE!
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Gatrik, looks! One of committe try to play this game. Fight! |
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Bandros, one of the free meal that Gamarvani provided. I think next beside him, is a Kue Apem. |
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Egrang, one of traditional games here in GAMARVANI! |
Gamarvani was very followed the Bandung update, so they hired a Bandros. Not Bandros that I mentioned before, but it's " Bandung Tour Bus ", it's a bus that maybe you often saw on London, from television of course, haha. It's operate until 12.30 p.m. and it'll bring the visitors FREE to a trip sorround Bandung. Also, first in the morning, Gamarvani held a parade that consist of 3 Senior High School student, and so many kids from Elemantary School that spread in Bandung City to come along with us. They weared a traditional cloth, like Pangsi for the maleand Kebaya for female, and they did the parade to so many street in Bandung. Not just did a parade, it's also a competition that have a prize for 1 million rupiah. It's Rupiah okay, not Dollar, but C'mon you can do so many thing with that, haha. Don't forget, Gamarvani allow the visitroy to have a pray, so there is a mushola and also a nice toilet, so they felt more comfortable.
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Bandros, " Bandung Tour on Bus ", you know I don't have achance to ride on this:( Because it's already 12.30 when I'd like to try it |
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The parade, an Elementary School student was dancing on the road and enliven the show |
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Me and my friends at the parade. |
My explanation about Gamarvani are already plenty. But, I'm gonna tell you about ... ? What do you want to know? Ah! The Decoration. The Decoratin in Gamarvani was so simple, but very spoil my eyes. First, before enrty the festival , you will see like a gate from timber construction layered with a newspaper and paint it with a grey color, so it looks like a stone. After that, you will enter a tunnel that very amazing, Oh! it's really innovative! So there are 4 bulkhead that separate the tunnel. And each tunnel have been decorated by a painting, a plants that made from carton, glimmer lamp, and Indonesian equipement like paddy field hat, I forgot the name, hehe. Beside that, also they have a board that written " GAMARVANI " with Nyi Anteh take a seat on the moon with her scarf she knitted. It's really amazing and so big, so you can see the signpost from a miles! Not from a miled actually, it is just a figure of speech you know, hehe. And we also have a lanterns that hanging in the front section, the plan it'll glow in the dark, but it didn't happened, sadly. But it still a good decoration, though.
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The last section of the tunnel |
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Me, at the part of the tunnel. Once again, sorry for that face;( |
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The tunnel's decoration |
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The tunnel decoration |
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The massive sign post, Cool isn't it? |
A good festival also need to have a security that so strict, and so with Gamarvani. Before enter the festival, the visitors will have a check by the committee and their back pack also will have a check. Because, you don't want a visitors to bring a knife and shed a blood in every place, right? haha.
Gamarvani was run well for me, so smooth like they don't have any bump. It's very exhilirate us, and I know that the committee must work hard for this. I know that they put their 100% of their best effort to make the festival succeed, and they nailed it! I was very satisfied and I'm sure the others felt the same way.
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The rest of the committe that free on that time, they look tired yeah? |
At the top of the show, like I have mentioned before, HiVi! performed. They make the situation became deeper and we solved in the atmosphere. Light Entertainment also prepared the situation so good, that made us really peaceful. We were like a stranger that time, but we were together and enjoyed everthing we have. We forgot all of our problems, dateline, and everything and just being a free-person for a while. Late at night, headed by Hivi! We sang the song together, and a firework also accompanied us in that beautiful night.
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The top of the show, it's very rousing! |